
能源与电力学术论坛(十): Gegenbauer processes and energy informatics


报告题目:Gegenbauer processes and energy informatics

主讲人:Prof. YangQuan Chen,MESA Lab of University of California, Merced




ABSTRACT:Gegenbauer polynomial has a generating function of a real power of a quadratic polynomial. When this quadratic polynomial is the z-transfer function of a second order IIR or FIR, raising this whole z-transfer function to the power of a real number, we will get an irrational z-transfer function whose output is called the Gegenbauer process driven by white noise. It turns out that, Gegenbauer process can exhibit both long range dependence (or long memory) and seasonality. This is particularly attractive in modeling time series in energy informatics such as wind speed, power consumption, energy price etc. where long memory and seasonality both dominate. In this seminar, we will introduce this important yet relatively new class of models known as k-factor Gegenbauer ARMA and its applications in time series modeling and prediction in energy informatics.

BIOGRAPHY:YangQuan Chen earned his Ph.D. from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 1998. He had been a faculty of Electrical Engineering at Utah State University from 2000-12. He joined the School of Engineering, University of California, Merced in summer 2012 teaching “Mechatronics”, “Engineering Service Learning” and “Unmanned Aerial Systems” for undergraduates; “Fractional Order Mechanics” and “Nonlinear Controls” for graduates. His research interests include mechatronics for sustainability, cognitive process control, small multi-UAV based cooperative multi-spectral “personal remote sensing”, applied fractional calculus in controls, modeling and complex signal processing; distributed measurement and control of distributed parameter systems with mobile actuator and sensor networks. 

Dr. Chen serves as a Co-Chair for IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Technical Committee (TC) on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Aerial Robotics (12-18). He recently served the TC Chair for the ASME DED Mechatronics Embedded Systems Applications (2009-10); Associated Editor (AE) for IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology (00-16), ISA Trans. (12-17), IFAC Control Engineering Practice (12-17), IET Control Theory and Applications (15-18) and Journal of Dynamics Systems, Measurements and Control (09-15). He now serves as Topic Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (Field Robotics), Section AE (Remote Sensors) for Sensors, Senior Editor for International Journal of Intelligent Robotic Systems, Topical AE for Nonlinear Dynamics (18-) and AE for IFAC Mechatronics, Intelligent Service Robotics, Energy Sources (Part A) (18-) and Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis. He is a member of IEEE, ASME, AIAA, ASPRS, AUVSI and AMA.



