
讲座通知:Recent Developments in Wind Energy Researches at DTU


   报告题目:Recent  Developments in Wind Energy Researches at DTU

   报 告 人丹麦科技大学  沈文忠教授

   时  间:2019年6月27日上午9:30-10.30

   地  点:行政楼一楼会议室


    Dr  Wen Zhong Shen is Professor in Computational Aero-Acoustics and Wind Energy at  the Department of Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) since June  2014. He obtained his Bachelor degree in Wuhan University, China in 1988, Master  and PhD degrees in fluid mechanics at Paris-Sud University, France in 1989 and  1993, and Doctor of Science in wind turbine aerodynamics and aero-acoustics at  the Technical University of Denmark, Denmark in 2009. His research ranges in the  fields of wind turbine aerodynamics, aero-acoustics, wind turbine airfoil/rotor  design and wind farm optimization, and he has published more than 98 research  articles in peer-reviewed international journals and over 97 papers in reviewed  scientific conferences.


     To reduce COemission from fossil energy and alleviate global  warming, targets in many countries are very ambitious with 100% renewable energy  in 2050. As the pioneer in renewable energies, wind energy is developing very  fast in the world. This means there will be important installations of both  onshore and offshore wind turbines in the near future. In order to ensuring a  high degree of social acceptance, the noise aspect is of major importance in  particular for onshore turbines. Wind turbine and wind farm noise is complex  through its generation at rotating wind turbine blades, propagating through  complex atmosphere flows and wind farm wake flows, and then perceived by people  living nearby. Achieving the objective of high-energy efficiency and low noise,  the research needs include the developments in wind turbine aerodynamics, wind  turbine aeroacoustics, low noise wind turbine design and low noise wind farm  layout optimization. This lecture aims at giving the state of the art in all  these research areas in order to address the challenges in the development of  environment friendly wind energy.



