
能源与电力学术论坛(八): Reliable and Efficient Real-time Monitoring and Model Calibration for Smart Grids


报告题目Reliable and Efficient Real-time Monitoring and Model Calibration for Smart Grids


报告时间:2019613 9:30



报告简介The talk addresses several key problems for reliable and efficient modeling and monitoring of smart grids. For model calibration, a new framework for identification and correction of model parameter errors is presented. The Largest Normalized Lagrange Multiplier (LNLM) test is introduced, and approaches for enhancing the reliability and computational efficiency of model error identification are presented. Real-world case studies on the ISO New England system are demonstrated. For system monitoring, a unified robust state estimation approach against measurement and parameter errors is introduced. A fast and parallel implementation of bad data processing methods is also presented. Finally, the cyber-security issues in the modeling of smart grids are discussed. A security vulnerability regarding model databases which may affect the operation of electricity markets is identified, and possible countermeasures are discussed.



  Yuzhang Lin is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA, USA. He received his bachelor and master’s degrees in electrical engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and his PhD degree in electrical engineering from Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA. His completed his PhD dissertation under the supervision of Prof. Ali Abur, a domain expert in power system state estimation. He is a recipient of the prestigious Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award at Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA. His current research interests include modeling, monitoring, data analysis, and cyber-physical security of smart grids. He has published 26 scholarly articles indexed by SCI/EI in the domain of smart grids, including 7 first-authored articles in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems and IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. He is a reviewer for 10 international journals, a panelist for U.S. NSF Energy, Power, Control, and Networks (EPCN) program, and serves on several working groups and task forces in IEEE Power & Energy Society. The algorithms he developed for identification and correction of parameter and measurement errors has been applied and operated at ISO New England, and filed a US provisional patent.

   林予彰目前在马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校电气与计算机工程系担任助理教授。他在清华大学取得了电气工程学士和硕士学位,随后在美国东北大学获得了电气工程博士学位。他在电力系统状态估计领域专家Ali Abur教授的指导下完成了博士论文,并获得美国东北大学的优秀研究生奖。

林予彰目前已在智能电网领域发表了26SCI/EI论文,其中以第一作者在IEEE Trans. Power Systems IEEE Trans. Smart Grid发表了7篇文章。他同时担任10个国际杂志的审稿人,美国国家基金会‘能源、电力、控制和网络方向的专家组成员,并且负责和参与IEEE PES多个工作组。他开发的‘参数与量测误差辨识和校正’程序已应用于英国ISO中,并申请了一项美国临时专利。



