
能源与电力学术论坛(十):Big Data Analytics in Large Scale Power System Economic Planning


报告题目:Big Data Analytics in Large Scale Power System Economic Planning

报 告  人:Dr. Yingzhong Gu

Development Lead, GE Energy Consulting, General Electric Inc., Schenectady, New York, United States.

Senior Vice President, North American Chinese Power Professional Association (NACPPA)  



报告人介绍:Dr. Gu is the Development Lead at GE Energy Consulting.  He leads the development team enhancing and developing GE MAPS, supporting MAPS customer, organizing sales and marketing activities for GE software and providing consulting services to internal and external clients. Prior to joining GE, Dr. Gu was at Alstom Grid, Redmond, Washington with the Optimization Application Team. He involved in developing the market management system (MMS) for Southwest Power Pool. Dr. Gu has also worked at California ISO, Folsom, California with Regional Transmission Planning Team. He contributed to various transmission planning projects in California. Dr. Gu received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University. Dr. Gu served as the Senior Vice President at North American Chinese Power Professional Association (NACPPA), Young Professional Leader at GE Asian Pacific American Forum (APAF), Outreach Director at Chinese Community Center and Vice President at Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs (APAPA). He also served as reviewer on IEEE trans. on Power System, IEEE trans. on Smart Grid, IEEE trans. on Sustainable Energy, etc.  Dr. Gu has authored / published 2 book chapters and 17 papers. 

顾颖中博士在纽约州首府地区的通用电气能源咨询部门(GE Energy Consulting)担任研发主管。他领导的研发团队负责多区域生产模拟仿真软件GE MAPS的研究开发工作。他同时负责GE软件产品的技术支持、市场拓展以及主导GE内外的各种咨询项目。在加入通用电气之前,顾博士在西雅图地区阿尔斯通电网集团的最优化应用团队(Optimization Application)工作。他曾参与美国西南电力库(Southwest Power Pool)大型电力市场交易系统(Market Management System)的研发工作。顾博士也曾在加利福尼亚州萨克拉门托地区的加州ISO(California ISO)规划部门工作,负责多个南加州地区的输电网络经济规划项目。顾颖中博士在上海交通大学取得电气工程及自动化学士学位,在美国Texas A&M大学取得电气工程博士学位。顾博士同时还担任北美华人电力协会的高级副主席、通用电气亚太裔联盟(APAF)青年领袖、纽约首府华人社区外联部主任,亚太裔公共事务联盟(APAPA)副主席,以及包括IEEE trans. on Power System, IEEE trans. on Smart Grid, IEEE trans. on Sustainable Energy在内的数十个电力工程领域国际知名学术期刊的审稿人。

Abstract: Power system economic planning is a core part of a comprehensive power system planning process, which not only considers the needs for reliability, public policy and resource adequacy but also it well addresses the long-term needs for a more economical and efficient power grid operation. The power system economic planning, using production simulation tool, evaluate the current and future state of bulk power grid and the economic impact of various projects to reduce the overall operation cost in the long run. GE Multi-Area Production Simulation (MAPS) is widely adopted to conduct various power system economic planning studies including renewable integration studies, market efficiency evaluation studies, transmission planning studies, and congestion assessment studies, etc. One of the major challenge of power system economic planning is to conduct long-term (i.e. 20-30 years) production simulation for large scale power systems. The big data analytics technology is a key to facilitate the state-of-the-art power system economic planning. This seminar introduces some major efforts GE is taking toward this new era. 



